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  Recherche de catalogue 4 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2020/12/11 BOOTSnBOOZE Comic with Swingin Utters 7" (comic + single) Punk 810017645299 PIRATES PRESS 7" PPR285
2020/12/11 BOOTSnBOOZE Comic with Swingin Utters 7" (comic + single beer color vinyl) Punk 810017645305 PIRATES PRESS 7" PPR285B1
2022/01/07 BOOTSnBOOZE #2 Comic With The Liquidators (52 page comic + 7") Punk 810017648894 PIRATES PRESS 7" PPR313
2023/12/08 BOOTSnBOOZE #4 Comic with Swingin Utters 7" (44 page comic + single) Punk 810096653956 PIRATES PRESS 7" PPR363

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