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  Recherche de catalogue 13 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2024/01/01 Awolnation My Echo, My Shadow, My Covers & Me Alternative 849320075943 BETTER NOISE CASS BNM759
2022/05/06 Awolnation My Echo, My Shadow, My Covers & Me Alternative 849320075929 BETTER NOISE CD BNM759
2022/06/03 Awolnation My Echo, My Shadow, My Covers & Me (black vinyl) Alternative 849320075912 BETTER NOISE LP BNM759
2011/03/15 Awolnation Megalithic Symphony Alternative 844942010860 RED BULL RECORDS CD RBR1086
2023/12/08 Awolnation Angel Miners & Lightning Riders (translucent blue vinyl) Alternative 849320046868 ENDURANCE LP EDUC4686
2024/08/30 Awolnation The Phantom Five (translucent light blue vinyl-indie exclusive) Alternative 198391592300 THANK YOU FOR LISTENING LP 19839159230
2024/09/13 Awolnation The Phantom Five Alternative 198391632051 THANK YOU FOR LISTENING CD 19839163205
2024/08/30 Awolnation The Phantom Five (metallic silver vinyl) Alternative 198391632648 THANK YOU FOR LISTENING LP 19839163264
2013/11/19 Awolnation Megalithic Symphony (2CD) Alternative 844942012390 RED BULL RECORDS CD 84494201239
2015/03/17 Awolnation Run Alternative 844942041611 RED BULL RECORDS CD 84494204161
2015/03/17 Awolnation Run (2LP) Alternative 844942041635 RED BULL RECORDS LP 84494204163
2015/10/16 Awolnation Run (CSD) (solid white colored) Alternative 844942041673 RED BULL RECORDS CASS 84494204167
2021/07/09 Awolnation Megalithic Symphony (10th) (3LP) Alternative 844942086933 RED BULL RECORDS LP 84494208693

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