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  Recherche de catalogue 12 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2019/09/27 New Pornographers In the Morse Code of Brake Lights Alternative 888072108950 CONCORD CD CRE01050
2019/09/27 New Pornographers In The Morse Code Of Brake Lights Alternative 888072108974 CONCORD LP CRE01051
2016/04/19 New Pornographers Together Alternative 060270115828 LAST GANG CD LGE01158
2023/03/31 New Pornographers Continue As A Guest Alternative 673855080925 MERGE CD MRG809
2023/03/31 New Pornographers Continue As A Guest Alternative 673855080918 MERGE LP MRG809
2023/03/31 New Pornographers Continue As A Guest (Peak Vinyl indie shop edition/colour) Alternative 673855080901 MERGE LP MRG809PEAK
 2021/12/10 New Pornographers Mass Romantic (red vinyl + bonus 7") Alternative 191401181211 MATADOR LP OLE1812LP
2005/09/13 New Pornographers Twin Cinema Alternative 744861062110 MATADOR LP OLE6211
2023/02/24 New Pornographers Challengers Alternative 744861077015 MATADOR LP OLE7701
2023/07/07 New Pornographers Brill Bruisers Alternative 744861104711 MATADOR LP OLE10471
2023/09/22 New Pornographers Electric Version (20th Anniversary/Opaque blue) Alternative 744861055105 MATADOR LP OLE551LP
2023/07/07 New Pornographers Together Alternative 744861089117 MATADOR LP OLE8911

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