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  Recherche de catalogue 7 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2019/10/04 Lifetime Hello Bastards Alternative/Punk 045778210619 JADE TREE LP 82106
2019/10/04 Lifetime Hello Bastards (indie shop version/clear) Alternative/Punk 045778210695 JADE TREE LP 82106INDIE
2019/11/01 Lifetime Jersey's Best Dancers Alternative/Punk 045778210718 JADE TREE LP 82107
2019/11/01 Lifetime Jersey's Best Dancers (indie shop version/colour) Alternative/Punk 045778210794 JADE TREE LP 82107INDIE
2011/03/29 Williams, Tony Lifetime Emergency! Jazz 5013929735620 ESOTERIC CD ECLEC2256
2011/03/29 Williams, Tony Lifetime Turn It Over (bonus track) Jazz 5013929735729 ESOTERIC CD ECLEC2257
2023/09/01 Williams, Tony Lifetime Emergency! (2LP) Jazz 4251804140140 BE WITH RECORDS LP BEWITH131LP

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