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  Recherche de catalogue 8 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2015/07/17 Peacers Peacers Alternative n/a DRAG CITY CASS DC630
2015/07/17 Peacers Peacers Alternative 781484063025 DRAG CITY CD DC630
2015/07/17 Peacers Peacers Alternative 781484063018 DRAG CITY LP DC630
2017/06/16 Peacers Introducing the Crimsmen Alternative 781484065548 DRAG CITY CASS DC655
2017/06/16 Peacers Introducing the Crimsmen Alternative 781484065524 DRAG CITY CD DC655
2017/06/16 Peacers Introducing the Crimsmen Alternative 781484065517 DRAG CITY LP DC655
2021/03/26 Peacers Blexxed Rec Alternative 781484078647 DRAG CITY CASS DC786
2021/03/26 Peacers Blexxed Rec Alternative 781484078616 DRAG CITY LP DC786

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