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  Recherche de catalogue 7 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2011/07/26 Weyes Blood The Outside Room Alternative n/a NOT NOT FUN LP NNF218
2020/10/01 Weyes Blood Titanic Rising Alternative 098787123241 SUB POP CASS SP1232
2020/10/01 Weyes Blood Titanic Rising Alternative 098787123227 SUB POP CD SP1232
2020/10/01 Weyes Blood Titanic Rising Alternative 098787123210 SUB POP LP SP1232
2022/11/18 Weyes Blood And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow Alternative 098787148541 SUB POP CASS SP1485
2022/11/18 Weyes Blood And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow Alternative 098787148527 SUB POP CD SP1485
2022/11/18 Weyes Blood And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow (black) Alternative 098787148510 SUB POP LP SP1485

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